I saw you this morning. 就在早晨我看見
You were moving so fast. 你快速離去
Cant seem to loosen my grip 彷彿你就要脫離我的魔掌
On the past. 在過去的時日里
And I miss you so much. 我如此思念你
Theres no one in sight. 彷彿進入無人之境
And were still making love 我們一直做愛
In My Secret Life. 在我的秘密生活裡
I smile when Im angry. 發怒時我會面帶微笑
I cheat and I lie. 我欺騙我說謊
I do what I have to do 我做那些必須做的
To get by. 混混日子
But I know what is wrong. 但我知道什麼是錯
And I know what is right. 什麼是對
And Id die for the truth 我願為真實而死
In My Secret Life. 在我的秘密生活裡
Hold on, hold on, my brother. 抱緊我,抱緊我,我的兄弟
My sister, hold on tight. 我的姐妹,緊緊地抱緊我
I finally got my orders. 我終將解除束縛
I'll be marching through the morning, 我將穿越早晨
Marching through the night, 穿越夜晚
Moving cross the borders 穿越我
Of My Secret Life. 秘密生活的邊界
Looked through the paper. 捅破了那層薄紙
Makes you want to cry. 你不住地哭泣
Nobody cares if the people 沒有人關心人們
Live or die. 是活著還是死去
And the dealer wants you thinking 造物主讓你有了思想
That its either black or white. 它非黑非白
Thank God its not that simple 感謝上帝它不是這樣簡單
In My Secret Life 在我的秘密生活裡